About us

My name Rajdeep singh

Hi welcome,

I completed my study in master of science in biotechnology last year. After passing out 12 classes, I brought MY first android mobile phone. Then I started using mobile, and I found a video on youtube about how to earn online money. that video changed my life. During my B.sc, I successfully found my first job on the internet. I got selected for a front-end developer role on just theme. My part is to convert png design into HTML and CSS.

After one year, I changed my job. In my second job, I learn many things like reactjs, API, CMS, etc.

I started my writing career as a technical writer during my job. I published my first book on Linux and a research paper with osf. Some later, I publish one more book on bioinformatics.

Now I publish an article every week on medium and other publications. You can read my article on my medium profile.

Thank for reading